Citizen Digital Foundation

Terms of use for this website

Please read these website terms of use carefully before using this website (hereinafter ‘website’). These website terms of use (hereinafter ‘terms of use’) govern your access to and use of the website. The website is available for your use only on the condition that you agree to the terms of use set forth below. If you do not agree to all of the terms of use, do not access or use the website. By accessing or using the website, you and the entity you are authorised to represent (hereinafter ‘you’ or ‘your’) signify your agreement to be bound by the terms of use.

User Eligibility

The Website is provided by Citizen Digital Foundation (hereinafter ‘CDF’) and available only to entities and persons who have reached the age of legal maturity and are competent to enter into a legally binding agreement(s) under the applicable law. If You do not qualify, You are not permitted to use the Website.

Scope of Terms of Use

These Terms of Use govern Your use of the Website and all applications, software and services (collectively known as “Services”) available via the Website, except to the extent that such Services are the subject of a separate agreement. Specific terms or agreements may apply to the use of certain Services and other items provided to You via the Website (“Service Agreement(s)”). Any such Service Agreements will accompany the applicable Services or are listed in association therewith or via a hyperlink associated therewith.


CDF may revise and update these Terms of Use at any time. Your continued usage of the Website after any changes to these Terms of Use will be deemed as acceptance of such changes. Any aspect of the Website may be changed, supplemented, deleted or updated without notice, at the sole discretion of CDF. CDF may also change or impose fees for products and services provided through the Website at any time, at its sole discretion. CDF may establish or change, at any time, general practices and restrictions concerning other CDF products and services at its sole discretion.

CDF Privacy Notice

With respect to any individual whose personal information is provided by You to CDF, You represent to CDF that You have obtained all necessary consents for the processing of such personal information contemplated by the Services. Please also read the detailed website Privacy Policy.

Licence and Ownership

Any and all intellectual property rights (“Intellectual Property”) associated with the Website and its contents (the “Content”) are the sole property of CDF, its affiliates or third parties. Elements of the Website may not be copied or imitated in whole or in part unless clearly specified next to them. All customised graphics, icons, and other items that appear on the Website belong to CDF, its affiliates or other entities that have granted CDF permission to use and may not be used or interfered with in any manner without the express written consent of CDF. Except as otherwise expressly authorised by these Terms of Use, You may not copy, reproduce, modify, amend, lease, loan, sell and/or create derivative works from, upload, transmit, and/or distribute the Intellectual Property of the Website in any way without CDF’s prior written permission or that of an appropriate third party. Except as expressly provided herein, CDF does not grant to You any express or implied rights to the Intellectual Property of CDF or that of any third party.

CDF hereby grants You a limited, personal, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable licence to (a) access and use the Website, Content and Services only in the manner presented by CDF, and (b) access and use the CDF computer and network services offered within the Website (the "CDF Systems") only in the manner expressly permitted by CDF. Except for this limited license, CDF does not convey any interest in or to the CDF Systems, information or data available via the CDF Systems (the "Information"), Content, Services, Website or any other CDF property by permitting You to access the Website. Except to the extent required by law or as expressly provided herein, none of the Content and/or Information may be reverse engineered, modified, amended, reproduced, republished, translated into any language or computer language, re-transmitted in any form or by any means, resold or redistributed without the prior written consent of CDF. You may not make, sell, offer for sale, modify, amend, reproduce, display, publicly perform, import, distribute, retransmit, or otherwise use the Content in any way unless expressly permitted to do so by CDF.

Restrictions of Use of The Website

In addition to other restrictions set forth in these Terms of Use, You agree that:

  • You shall not disguise the origin of information transmitted through the Website.
  • You will not place false or misleading information on the Website.
  • You will not use or access any service, information, application or software available via the Website in a manner not expressly permitted by CDF.
  • You will not input or upload to the Website any information that may contain viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs or other computer programming malware or routines that are intended to damage, interfere with, intercept or expropriate any system, the Website or Information or that infringes the Intellectual Property rights of another. Certain areas of the Website are restricted to customers of CDF.
  • You may not use or access the Website or the CDF Systems or Services in any way that, in CDF’s judgment, adversely affects the performance or function of the CDF Systems, Services or the Website or interferes with the ability of authorised parties to access the CDF Systems, Services or the Website.
  • You may not frame or utilise framing techniques to enclose any portion or aspect of the
    Content or the Information, without the express written consent of CDF.


Outbound Links. The Website may contain links to third-party Websites and resources (referred to collectively hereinafter as “Linked Sites”). These Linked Sites are provided solely as a convenience to You and not as an endorsement by CDF of the content of such Linked Sites. CDF makes no representations or warranties regarding the correctness, accuracy, performance or quality of any content, software, service or application found at any Linked Site. CDF shall not be responsible for the availability of the Linked Sites or the content or activities of such sites. If You decide to access Linked Sites, You do so at Your own risk. In addition, Your use of Linked Sites is subject to any applicable policies and terms and conditions of use, including but not limited to, the Linked Site’s privacy policy.

Inbound Links. Linking to any page of the Website other than to through a plain text link is strictly prohibited in the absence of a separate linkage agreement with CDF. Any website or other devices that link to or any page available therein is prohibited from  replicating Content, using a browser or border environment around the Content, implying in any fashion that CDF or any of its affiliates endorse it or its products,  misrepresenting any state of facts, including its relationship with CDF or any of the CDF affiliates, presenting false information about CDF products or services, and using any logo or mark of CDF or any of its affiliates, without express written permission
from CDF


You agree that CDF, at its sole discretion, may terminate or suspend Your use of the Website, the CDF Systems, Information, Services and Content at any time and for any or no reason at its sole discretion, even if access and use continue to be allowed to others. Upon such suspension or termination, You must immediately  discontinue Your use of the Website, and  destroy any copies You may have made of any portion of the Content. Accessing the Website, the CDF Systems, Information or Services after such termination, suspension or discontinuation shall constitute an act of trespass. Furthermore, You agree that CDF shall not be liable to You or to any third party for any termination or suspension of Your access to the Website, the CDF Systems, Information and/or the Services. Disclaimer of Warranties CDF makes no representations about the results to be obtained from using the website, the CDF systems, the services, the information or the content. The use of same is at your own risk. The website, the CDF systems, the information, the services and the content are provided on an “As is” basis. CDF, its licensors, and its suppliers, to the fullest extent permitted by law, disclaim all warranties, either express or implied, statutory or otherwise, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, non- infringement of third-party rights, and fitness for a particular purpose. CDF and its affiliates, licensors and suppliers make no representations or warranties concerning the accuracy, completeness, security or timeliness of the content, information or services provided on or through the use of the website or the CDF systems. No information obtained by you from the website shall create any warranty not expressly stated by CDF in these terms of use.

Limitation of Liability

To the extent permitted by law, in no event shall CDF, its affiliates, licensors, suppliers or any third parties mentioned at the website be liable for any incidental, direct, indirect, exemplary, punitive and/or consequential damages, lost profits, and/or damages resulting from lost data or business interruption resulting from the use of and/or inability to use the website, the CDF systems, information, services or the content whether based on warranty, contract, tort, delict, or any other legal foundation, and whether or not CDF is stated for you in these terms of use are exclusive and are limited to those expressly provided for herein.

Compliance with Law including export control

You agree to use the Website in strict compliance with all applicable laws, rulings, and regulations and in a fashion that does not, in the sole judgment of CDF, negatively reflect on the goodwill or reputation of CDF and You shall take no action which might cause CDF to be in breach of any laws, rulings or regulations applicable to CDF.

CDF and the Website are based in India. India, the United States and certain other jurisdictions control the export of products and information. You agree to comply with all such applicable restrictions and not to export or re-export the Content (including any software or the Services) to countries or persons prohibited under India or other applicable export control laws or regulations. If You access and download the Content (including any software or the Services) or Information, You represent that You are not in a country where such export is prohibited or are not a person or entity to which such export is prohibited. You are solely responsible for compliance with the laws of Your local jurisdiction and any other applicable laws regarding the import, export, or re-export of the Content (including any software or the Services).

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

To the fullest extent permitted by law, these Terms of Use are governed by the internal laws of India and courts in Kerala, India will have jurisdiction.


You may not assign Your interests, rights or obligations under these Terms of Use. If any provision of these Terms of Use shall be found to be invalid by any court having competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of these Terms of Use, which shall remain in full force and effect. No waiver of any of these Terms of Use shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such term or condition or any other term or condition. You may preserve these Terms of Use in written form by printing them for Your records, and You waive any other requirement for these Terms of Use to be proved by means of a written document.

Litt Live T&C

1. Intellectual Property Unless otherwise indicated, Citizen Digital Foundation owns copyright for the content presented in the session. Live session is to be viewed by the registrant only; the content must under no circumstances be recorded or reproduced. Any breach of copyright, including recording the presentation or any unauthorized use of the material may lead to legal action.

2. Learning Outcomes Citizen Digital Foundation is not liable if learning outcomes do not entirely meet expectations. 

3. Links from the session Sessions may contain links to other websites over which Citizen Digital Foundation has no control. Citizen Digital Foundation makes no representations about the accuracy of information contained on those websites. We are not liable for the content on those websites. 

4. Registrations By registering for a session, consent is given for application details to be provided to Citizen Digital Foundation to set up the session. You can view Citizen Digital Foundation privacy policy on their website. 

5. Cancellation Registration for a session cannot be cancelled once the payment is made. If for any reason, the session is required to be cancelled by Citizen Digital Foundation, a notification email will be sent as soon as possible and refund will be initiated subject to payment gateway policies. 

6. Sessions will be recorded. The virtual event facility includes a feature that allows audio and any documents and other materials exchanged or viewed during the session to be recorded. By joining a session, you automatically consent to such recordings. 

7. By making the payment, you agree to the terms & conditions mentioned above.

8. You agree to share information entered on the Razorpay page with Citizen Digital Foundation (owner of this page) and Razorpay, adhering to applicable laws.

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