Citizen Digital Foundation


Media research

We believe your own personal success should not be defined by organisational metrics alone. For us, you are not the sum of the reach, ratings, views, sales, conversions, and acquisitions you’ve accumulated. We do hope you had fun achieving all that, while independently driving the tasks and responsibilities at hand.

We are more interested in what drives, motivates, and inspires you, what matters to you, what upsets you, what brings out your best. If they align with our values, and what we are trying to achieve here at Citizen Digital Foundation, then let’s talk. We promise you an exciting journey full of personal success benchmarks, that you’d enjoy achieving.

If you want to learn more about ethical challenges and developments in technology and media, if you are moved by the world around you and want to make an active difference; if you tend to choose the right thing to do over the convenient thing to do; if you want to do what you love, while being who you are, then we would love to hear from you.

Come, be the change you want to see.



Bring the real you and keep it real. We keep communications transparent and genuine, and let the vision drive us. We own up mistakes without fear of rebuke or judgement. And whatever it is, we think it’s better said than left unsaid.


All of us have biases and face dilemmas, but we try and let ‘doing the right thing’ guide us all times. We do what it takes for the purpose, not to prove a point.


This is what we strive for. So, let’s practice what we preach.


Respect for all stakeholders. Whoever they are, they have a human story. We are all wired differently and work differently. Respect diversity in all forms, including opinions.


If the work we do doesn’t give us joy, then it would never be a 💯. Find what makes you happy and go for it with all your heart. If it is what we do at Citizen Digital, then let’s have some fun together!


with us


Whether you are a student looking for a head-start, or a professional looking to add a new dimension to their career, we might have just the window for you.
Apply for certified or paid internships that will make you stand out in a crowd when you apply for other jobs.


The right internship could be the stepping-stone to a great career.
Here’s an opportunity for you to build general and specialised skills, within the context of technological development, its socioeconomic impact, and response strategies.


Here’s your opportunity to be part of change that will make yours and your loved ones’ lives better.
If you are looking to advance your career in the space of responsible technological innovation.



Become a Good Tech Champ!

Support our work to make children safer online, and make the internet a productive place for everyone.